Carrie Eckert

My interest in art started in my childhood with dance, I trained to be a professionally ballerina into my late 20’s.

While dancing, I became interested in making costumes and in my free time between rehearsals, I picked up knitting and quilting to pass the time.

I am passionate about travel and it has always inspired my work. On a trip to Barcelona Spain I was inspired by the work of Antonio Gaudi. His artwork was so full of color and his use of abstract materials encouraged me to teach myself the art of mosaics and mosaic sculptures. Over the years and through Covid I naturally gravitated to mix media and assemblage art. When it was safer to travel outside the home, I found my communities ceramic studio which has given me the opportunity to marry many styles of art into one piece.

I have never liked to limit myself to one style or medium and enjoy being a student, learning new styles and ways to express that draw attention and curiosity from the observer. I’ve been inspired by bold use of color, materials and expression that is unavoidable to notice. “ Art should never be boring”- Carrie Eckert

Upcoming Events

Laguna Art Gallery

JAN.6 -31TH